

Meditating, freedom from anxiety

Growing up I was diagnosed with severe anxiety disorder, I had a constant fear of choking and washing my hands, I literally thought everything had poison on it. For the following 14 years I took medication that messed with my heart and sent electrical shocks to my eyes that made life uncomfortable. I have now been off the medication for 4 years finding natural ways of moving passed it. Here is a list of different techniques I have used.

Change of diet
In the US I was eating cheap McDonald’s hamburgers every day and really never drank water or ate any green vegetables. It was a difficult time getting over the addiction to these foods but once it ended, my mind was much calmer. The diet was a mix of Ayurveda principles and Alkaline/Acidic, making sure to get as much greens as I could everyday while following the Ayurvedic Dosha guidelines. Your body is a temple, treat it like one.

This has had such a big impact on my life, the first time I tried yoga it cured a pinched nerve in my lower back! The benefits have allowed me to have a calm mind and become more flexible physically and in everyday life which helps to avoid anxiety. There are many styles of yoga to fit the needs of every individual, whether it be slow and soft or fast and strong, try a few styles and find what fits you. Some people prefer running or weight lifting, which ever keeps you present and helps release stress please continue!

A very broad subject, but most people imagine sitting down in Lotus pose trying to quiet the mind. Although this is a great, it is not the only way of meditating. A great master once said “Meditation is anything that keeps you in the present moment.” Art is a great way of expressing yourself and truly living in the moment. Each person has their own niche. Once you find it explore it deeper and let your passions fly!

Most people don’t realize they are breathing incorrectly, taking breaths into the center of the chest can actually cause even more anxiety. We need to focus on making them smooth, slow and deep. I started out by trying to imagine the breath down  towards the stomach which created a deeper breath through the diaphragm. When it is done correctly it really calms you down, that is why they always say “take a deep breath!”

In Colombia I was meditating and doing yoga but not drinking enough water, which was a bad idea. There were times I could feel myself vibrating and thought I was going insane. My mind was a wreck, I couldn’t calm it. After talking to a few people they enlightened me about the importance of it and staying hydrated all the time. Since then I have been drinking about 4 liters (1 gallon) of water a day and it works wonders.

What you think, creates your world. Break free of anxieties and replace them with confidence. Affirmations help to replace an old way of thinking so next time you have an anxiety attack and think it will never end, take a deep breath and repeat to yourself “I live an Anxiety free life now, I am divinely calm and confident” or what works best for you. Speak in the present moment and as if it is already in your life.

Doing things that cause anxiety
It is a quiet difficult one, but try to take your anxiety head on! For example, handstands used to give me anxiety just thinking about them. Then I tried to do it and now I am in love with them and practice every day! That is one less thing to worry about, as time goes on build up to facing the bigger things that cause it until you are completely free of anxiety.

These worked really well for me, please try some of these with sincerity and see if they work. Since each of us are unique in the way we think maybe you have other ways that you have dealt with your emotions, I would love to hear about them!

sourec travelerdoni

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