

Our body is created of numerous internal systems similar to clocks , that mean that physical and spiritual health shouldn’t be viewed separately, because they are closely related.

It is known that Traditional Chinese medicine has a special place for the patterns of energy placements to different areas of the body at different times, within the whole cycle of 24 hours our body dedicates different energies to different organs.

Maybe some of your energy is getting obstructed and that is what disrupts the natural balance if you have the tendency to wake up at the same time regularly. Obstructions can be physically and spiritually. Here is a list of the times and organs they are associated with. It will definitely help you identify the underlying cause of the symptoms you are having.


9 pm To 11 pm

That is the real  time when most people go to bed. Our endocrine system restores its balance and the enzymes start refilling during this time.

Endocrine system have ability to control the hormones and metabolism, so if you can’t fall asleep at this particular time, your organism is probably stuck in a flight or fight mode.  That mean you’re stuck with the events that happened during the day or you’re maybe even preparing for the upcoming day.

Reasons for these blockages can be poor nutrition or a heavy meal later in the day.

11 pm To 1am

Our yin energy is turned into yang during this period. Because of any resentment you are stuck with waking up at this time regularly may appear.

Yang energy will keep our body active for the upcoming day. You should stay calm, preserve energy, as well as reinforce love and positive feelings.

If you are  eating unhealthy fats and your gallbladder has trouble breaking down the physical causes will probably appear.

1am To 3am

Your body is performing a process of detoxification and renewal which means your liver is releasing toxins and making fresh, clean blood during this time period.  It could indicate negative formations like anger and frustration if you’re waking up during this time constantly. You should not neglect these spiritual toxins, because your liver is trying to tell you that something is wrong!

3am To 5am

Your lungs are undergoing repair during this period because flood your body with oxygen. You must be warm enough so that you can accelerate bodily function.  When you look at that from a spiritual side, sadness and grief can cause your problems with the lungs. If you keep waking up during this time some breathing techniques can help you.

Another cause for waking up during this time can be process of raising your vibrational levels. Some of the other symptoms are lucid dreaming, sensitivity to unusual sounds, long periods of feeling cold or changes in appetite .

5am To 7am

Your large intestine is highly active during this period  because it  breaks down toxins and clears them out of the body. Poor diet or eating  late at night can cause the waking up at this time constantly.

This article was originally published on Demic Zone.
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