

Native Americans are known for their herbal remedies and while we may know of some of them the list is basically endless. They have an herb for well, everything.

Below I am going to go over some of these remedies or cures and give you a little bit of information about each of them. While this is nowhere near a complete list it is a good start to being aware of the benefits of the things surrounding you. That being said, remember some of these will need to be used in a specific way. We all need to educate ourselves before diving into any specific natural remedy. If used properly these things can benefit us all.

33 Native American ‘Natural Cures’ You Probably Don’t Know About:

1. Aloe
Aloe was recognized by Native Americans as the ‘burn plant’ and the ‘medicine plant’. It was used to protect the body from the sun and harsh weather conditions as well as boosting their immune system. They used it a lot in their daily lives and the list of benefits goes on and on. It works wonders on burns and can even reduce tissue damage from frostbite.

2. Beeswax
Beeswax also has many uses. It is able to treat wounds and Native Americans used it for many years. It can also be ingested. It adds a touch of flavor to just about anything.

3. Echinacea
Echinacea was used by the Native Americans for lots of different things. Some tribes used it for sore gums while others soothed their coughs with it. Everyone had their own names for it everyone knew what it was. It could help with anything from a sore throat to cramps.

4. Spearmint
Spearmint was used by Native Americans to treat things like colds or coughs. It stimulated blood circulation and could also help ease diarrhea. It really came in handy.

5. Alfalfa
Native Americans used alfalfa to promote blood clotting and treat jaundice. It is a very interesting plant that predates written human history and really comes in handy. It is used for many things these days and can treat anything from kidney issues to arthritis.

6. Chamomile
This plant is very daisy-like. It was used by Native Americans to treat things like intestinal problems and nausea. The flowers and leaves were made into a tea.

7. Buckwheat
Native Americans used seeds from this as porridge to relieve diarrhea. They would also use it to help with blood clotting and to lower one’s blood pressure. It came in handy for many different things.

8. Yarrow
This herb also has properties that help blood to clot. It can be used to help stop a fresh cut from bleeding and is a very important plant. Without this many might have lost their lives.

9. Wild Rose
This one is a plant that happens to be very high in vitamin C. The Native Americans used it to treat the flu and common cold. It was often drunk as a tea.

10. Aspen
This is also made into a tea. It was used by Native Americans to treat pain, fever, and cough. It contains something known as salicin which is very beneficial to us. I guess you could say it was the aspirin of their time.

11. Mullein
This herb was used by Native Americans to soothe asthma. By breathing the smoke produced when burning the roots you would be able to calm your lungs. It really worked wonders in regards to opening up the nasal passages.

12. Feverfew
This is a very interesting natural remedy for headaches. It can work wonders on fevers, digestive issues, and even joint pain. While many do not know it exists the Native Americans used it quite frequently.

13. Peppermint
Peppermint was used in the same was that spearmint was as it has a very similar effect. It could soothe someone who was struggling with a cold and really benefit them greatly when taken in tea form.

14. Greenbriar
Also known as ‘pull out a sticker’ Native Americans used this plant to give them a boost. They would prepare the root with potatoes and eat it. While it may taste odd it also came in handy.

15. Chokecherry
This one was used by Native Americas as a treatment for inflammation and nausea. It worked well for lots of things and could even be used to treat wounds. It was an all-purpose treatment in their times when you break it down.

16. Blackberry
This was used by Native Americans to stimulate the metabolism and treat mouth ulcers. It was also able to reduce inflammation and treat diarrhea. Basically, the bark, leaves, and root were used to make a tea.

17. Partridgeberry
Native Americans would boil the leaves of this plant to make tea. They would use it to speed up the birthing process in those who were pregnant. If someone was past due, this was their way of inducing labor.

18. Ginger Root
We hear a lot about ginger root even now. It is used for a wide variety of things. Native Americans used to use it to aid their digestion and relieve their coughs.

19. Feverwort
This one was used by Native Americans for itching and joint stiffness. It worked wonders on pain in general and was easy to access. Chances are you’ve never even heard of it.

20. Bee Pollen
Bee pollen is not something many of us think to use in this day and age but in older times Native Americans used it to boost energy and improve their immune systems. That being said, some people are allergic so be careful, if you are allergic to bee stings you should probably avoid this one.

21. Cattail
Native Americans used these to get rid of skin irritations. They can be boiled or mashed depending on what you prefer. They work well and are at the right time of year in quite an abundance.

22. Sumac
Also known as ‘qua lo ga’ this herb was used by Native Americans for treating diarrhea and reducing the effects of poison ivy. The whole plant was used for different things and of course, nothing went to waste.

23. Cayenne
Cayenne contains a lot of beneficial things. When taken with food it can be a good pain reliever and Native Americans even used it to act as an anesthetic to numb pain in powder form. Applying it to wounds was a very common use back then.

24. Geranium Root
Native Americans often boiled this root with wild grape so that it could be used to heal children with thrush. It worked well and was very needed. It’s amazing how useful things we overlook in modern times can be.

25. Buck Brush
This is one that gets a little more intense as it was used by Native Americans for treating everything from throat issues to cysts. Basically, they steeped the leaves and flowers of this plant in boiling water and drank the ‘tea’ it made. This is said to work wonders on inflamed tonsils as well.

26. Honeysuckle
Everything from this plant was used by the Native Americans. It was applied topically to treat bee stings and skin irritations and could also be used as a tea for headaches and other things of the sort. That being said, flavor is lacking.

27. Sage
Sage is a natural insect repellent and is used to help with digestive issues. While a lot of its use was more spiritual it was still very medically inclined as well. Native Americans used sage for a lot of things.

28. Wild Black Cherry
Women were given this in tea form to help make their birthing process less painful. Childbirth back then was without pain medication so this was necessary. Native Americans were given this during the early stages of labor so that it would have time to kick in.

29. Red Clover
Native Americans had an abundance of this and usually used it to go with food or as a tea. It improved circulation and helped treat inflammation. As you will note they had a lot of uses for just about everything. It was even sometimes used as a salve for burns.

30. Ginseng
Ginseng root was used by Native Americans as a food additive. It treated fatigue and boosted energy big time. It was also able to benefit those in need of liver help and was one of the things they used the most.

31. White Pine
This was basically a very standard treatment for things like respiratory distress. Native Americans would use the needles and bark to make a tea. This was something they tended to go right to when someone was congested.

32. Black Raspberry
This too was a diarrhea relieving plant. Native Americans used its roots to make a tea and when in intestinal distress it came in handy. Eat the raspberries and use the root to make tea, that was basically it.

33. Rosemary
Rosemary was also good at improving circulation and treating muscle pain. It was used for several things but those being the main ones. Native Americans were also quite abundant in this so it was used more often than not. It was able to make them feel great through its restorative properties.

This article was originally published on Awareness Act. | Image via Humans Are 
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